Monday, October 11, 2010

Can the "Rapture" hurry up so the rest of us can have some fun...

As an Agnostic, most think I'm very obtuse to the beliefs, ideas, and structures of religion or spirituality.  That's until they realize after a conversation I may, and most of the time know more about their own respective religion then they do themselves.  For some reason, religious/spiritual people think Agnostics and Atheist, are ignorant, blasphemous, dangerous, worldly people - when in fact, most of us are completely the opposite.  Most are well educated, peaceful, moral & law abiding folks, that only think it's better to talk about things we can literally see with our own eyes and prove with science.  Now, yes, science doesn't and may not be able to prove everything; but guess what, neither does literature written unwitnessed by the eyes of anyone who could accurately attribute the source.  And this is when a lot of religious/spiritualist would say, it's their "faith" that allows them to "believe" in what is and how religious text have come to be.  Well let me tell you something, if you don't pay your utility bills, they'll be shutoff and I have faith in that happening because I know what the source is - and I believe this does happen, often.  But if you can't tell me where the Garden of Eden is/was, then I can't accept your faith or belief to be an accurate GPS of the past.

And why am I pleading for the Rapture to come.  Well according to the Bible, all those who believe will be taken away.  That would make this world so much more an actual paradise...because religion is the main contributor to the devastation of Earth now.  All of the major wars were due to religion, and some will argue they were over things like money.  Well kiddies, the reason money was created was because of religion, for those who don't know, the Catholic Church commissioned priest and monks to make gold, silver and bronze coins and church symbols to show their will and high status in known world at the time.  Vikings and such of course stole and robbed those surrounding churches because they were poor.  They could then use or sale the gold/silver/bronze to other traders for food and supplies.  Yes, instead of using the material to help the poor, they wanted 13th century bling-bling down to their knees. Fast forward a few hundred centuries to today's world, may have not been gold/silver/bronze but obviously oil - how did these "wars" start to begin with? Oh yeah, that's right, Islam hates the openness of the Western world, which is mainly Christian.  I'm trying to figure how so many can follow those who: are behind the molestation of young boys & girls (not in the U.S.), Nuns (in some countries), adultery, money laundering of various tactics, who preach hatred towards other humans (i.e. homosexuals, race, other religions) . . . and some will argue they're the fallen from the grace of God, and they're not the whole just a few.  I say they're no better then Jim Jones, and neither are the followers.  And if the Rapture were to happen, all these people would be taken away; and there would be no more war over who loves Jesus or Allah (and the others), there would probably be wars over who gets the rice fields and cotton balls, but at least those could be solved by just trading instead of my God allows the Sun to raise in the East unlike your God, he let's it rain all day.  My personal view, is instead of taking the Bible, Koran, or any other religious literature seriously, how about thinking it as an early cultural Aesop's Fables tutorial before mankind started making sense of the known world.  Basically, those who aren't following these ways are the people who just wake up everyday and say, I'll treat you like a good person because I'm a good person and you're a good person. No, this isn't everyone who isn't religious/spiritual, but I guarantee most of them are the most trustworthy, dependable, honest individuals you'll ever know.

Ironically, I have an abundance of friends and close associates who are religious/spiritual, and most know about my stance. And even then some attempt to converse with me on such topics they know will cause their blood to boil.  But I think they stay my friend because I don't disrespect them as people or their intelligence (at least not within this area), and I challenge and make fun of all religions, not just Christianity or Islam; I have a ball with Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses (which remains me, I need more Watch Towers for the litter box). Though, some of the teachings of Hindu and Buddhism, center around basically treating people equally and karma.  Yet other religions try to monarch their belief as the be all to end all; and that it's their way or the highway but then say all is equal.  I'm sorry, you can't have both.

And wouldn't it be better to have ideas instead of beliefs, you can change an idea as you get updated information, but you can't change a belief once it's founded. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hello,'s good to be back again!

Hello! Hello! It's good to be back, it's good to be back!! Hello!! Hello!! It's good to be back, it's good to be back!! Did you miss me? Yeah, while I was away, did you hang my picture on your wall?

Yes, it's true, your eyes do not deceive you! I am back exposing the world to my mentality. From FortuneCity to my own website (Dreamer's Ball) and now this . . . it's 5:27am on a Sunday morning, so I really don't have shit to say...but Facebook isn't enough for me to spread the sanity and humor this world is in dire need of. So hopefully, I'll get some old friends from my prior WWW ventures and let's see where we go. All aboard!!

For those newbies, I dear not allow censorship as far as language and topics, so speak you mind - the only thing banned is racism. Not the topic of racism but being a racist, not just to me but anyone who post on this blog.